

$15,550 (USD)

Available quantity:10


Giant's Model GB-3 is a staple for any machine shop making small precision parts. The machine comes standard with internal separation for those parts that are hard to find in the media load mass. The variable speed drive lets you fine tune the machine with the touch of a button whether your running parts with heavy burr or scale that needs to be run aggressively or parts with critical surfaces and tight tolerances that are much more delicate. Machine Specifications below.

Giant Finishing Model GB-3 Spiral Bowl with Internal Separation Vibratory Deburring and Finishing Machine SPECIFICATIONS: Cubic Feet Process Capacity………………………………………………………………………3 Horsepower Motor.......................………………………………………………......................1 1/2 Polyurethane Lining Thickness………………………...………………………………………3/4" Shipping Weight…………………………………………………………………………..1160 lbs Floor Space………………………………………….……………………………………12 Sq. Ft Maximum Load Capacity………………………….……………………………………….600 lbs Bowl Diameter……………………………………………………………………………….…39" Unload Height…………………………………….……………………………………………37" Channel Width - After Lining………………..……………………………………….………….9" Channel Depth – Average………………………………………………….…………..………10" Overall Height………………………………….……………………….………………………42" Overall Depth…………………………………….…………………….……………………….46" Load Height……………………………………………………..………………………………42" Drive unit: 1-1/2 H.P. T.E.F.C. motor, 115V, 1 PH, 60 cycle STANDARD COMPONENTS: · HEAVY DUTY BOWL AND BASE is of all welded steel construction reinforced by gusset plates. The bowl is stress relieved then shot peened for maximum durability and lined with urethane. · PRECISION DRIVE SYSTEM consisting of heavy duty spherical roller bearings mounted to the vertical drive shaft. · HIGH EFFICIENCY MOTORS · DROP - ON WEIGHT SEGMENTS (adjustable amplitude) · TUNED COIL SPRING TUB SUSPENSION · PARTS DISCHARGE RAMP with locking lever. · REMOVABLE CAST URETHANE SCREEN · ADJUSTABLE AMPLITUDE FLYWHEEL LEAD ANGLE for fast finishing action adjustments. · COMPOUND INLET PIPING · REMOVABLE CAST URETHANE DRAIN PLUG · ELECTRONIC VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE WITH DIGITAL TACHOMETER: An AC inverter coupled directly to the motor controls the vibration frequency. Push buttons for increase or decrease of the vibration frequency are in the main panel. A digital tachometer provides a read-out of machine RPM. PRICE, complete as described, painted Giant Blue and ready for your field service connections. Wired for 110V………………………………………………………$ 15,500.00 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT:

230/460, 3 PHASE, 60 CYCLE MOTOR (Customer to supply their own disconnect)

-115/ 1 PHASE/ 60 HZ (Customer to supply their own disconnect)

PRICE..........................................................................$   Standard


-230/ 3 PHASE/ 60 HZ (Customer to supply their own disconnect) 

PRICE..........................................................................$   400.00 


-460/ 3 PHASE/ 60 HZ input  (Customer to supply their own disconnect)

PRICE..........................................................................$   400.00



CONTROL PANEL - NEMA 12 including 0-1-hour process timer and receptacle. 

 Standard  voltage: 230/3PH/60HZ  OR  460/3PH./60HZ.

 Control Panel Disconnect included. Customer to supply their own Feeder Breaker

PRICE..............................................................................................................................$ 2,900.00



NOTE: Electrical controls and components for the herein quoted equipment are of standard design using I.E.C. components and do not represent individual customer requirements.  If special machinery specifications, i.e., electrical controls and/or components do exist, please submit to Giant Finishing, Inc. for evaluation and re-quotation purposes.




AUTOMATIC PREMIXING COMPOUND SYSTEM designed to mix compound and water into vibratory mass on a continuous basis, to keep parts and media clean during processing. Complete with pump, mixing head, valves, spray headers, drain hoses and 15 gallon drum.

PRICE……………………………………………………………………………….…$ 1,750.00



REVERSE SEPARATION screen specially designed for the media to be larger than the parts being finished. In this case parts would fall through the screen and hit a shed sheet to be discharged from the machine.

PRICE.............................................................................................................................$ 5,900.00



AUTOMATIC CARTRIDGE GREASE SYSTEM for lubrication of the vibrator bearings.

 Consists of a reservoirs with grease and adjustable cycle


SUSPENDED SOUND SUPPRESSOR COVER:………………………………......$ 3,900.00





WRAP AROUND SCREEN DECK  to allow for extra time for screening parts and media



WRAP AROUND SETTLING TANK. 30-gallon kidney shaped settling tank that hugs the base of the machine, great for customers with floor space issues.


PRICE…………………………………………….…………………………………….$ 2,300.00



WRAP AROUND SETTLING TANK. Stainless Steel 30 gallon kidney shaped settling tank that hugs the base of the machine, great for customers with floor space issues.

PRICE………………………………………………………………………….……….$ 3,100.00


ST-55 SETTLING TANK powder coated with pullout sludge tray in first stage.  55 gal. capacity, 14" height x 36" wide x 36" deep with 1" NPT overflow connection to drain. 

PRICE…………………………………………………………………………………$ 2,650.00


ST-55-SS SETTLING TANK stainless steel with pullout sludge tray in first stage. 55 gal. capacity, 14" height x 36" wide x 36" deep with 1" NPT overflow connection to drain.…...…………………………………………………………………………..…$ 3,300.00

SCREEN DECK SPRAY SYSTEM rinses parts as they discharge from vibratory machine. Includes metal hood with spray fittings and on-off switch in control panel

PRICE…………………………………………………………...………………….... $1,300.00


AIR DAM : Pneumatic air dam gate, air valve controlled.………………………...…...$ 3,800.00


START-UP ASSISTANCE: Giant Finishing will provide start-up assistance at customer’s facility.  Service includes proper start-up and machine adjustments, operator(s) instruction and preventative maintenance training.


PRICE:          $1750.00 PER DAY PLUS $75.00 PER HOUR TRAVEL TIME 




Stock NumberGB-3